Tools of the Trade

Day Eight: Big Iron Weight

A few years ago, I spent each day in January writing about a different tool I use in my maskmaking. As I am currently redesigning my entire website in the new year, I thought it might be nice to revisit this project.  Each day in January 2021, I’ll share a different item that I use in my studio. I hope some of these can help other people who are interested in making wrestling masks. 

When I’m gluing my plate stacks together (the layers of vinyl that make the applique designs on the mask), I like to make sure they lay flat so the glue can set nicely. I used to just use big books and whatnot, but then came up with the idea of using a heavy hamburger or steak press; it would be easy to move around and more convenient than a stack of books. I looked around, but everything I found had ridges on the bottom, to make those grill marks people like on their meat.

One night I was over at my friend Jason’s house, telling him how I was having such a hard time finding a flat-bottomed burger press. Without even taking a step, he just reached out to his stove and said “like this one.” YES PLEASE. I can’t find this round version online, but here’s a rectangular version of the Lodge Cast Iron Press with a flat bottom. It works wonderfully for my intended purpose.

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