Tools of the Trade

Day Thirteen: Brayer

A few years ago, I spent each day in January writing about a different tool I use in my maskmaking. As I am currently redesigning my entire website in the new year, I thought it might be nice to revisit this project.  Each day in January 2021, I’ll share a different item that I use in my studio. I hope some of these can help other people who are interested in making wrestling masks. 

Here’s a tool that’s not really essential, but that I enjoy using. I use various methods to get my patterns onto my vinyl to cut out the plates for my masks. One of the methods involves printing out the pattern, reversed, and then using spray adhesive to adhere it to the back of the vinyl or leather before cutting it out with my art knife. I briefly flirted with block printing as a hobby years ago, so I had one of these Speedball brayers laying around. I use it to roll over the paper patterns and make sure they’re adhering well to my material.

While on the subject of rollers, here’s another one I keep in my work area. To be honest, I have no idea what it is. I got it at a really junky surplus store. I’ve since seen them somewhere like Home Depot but I can’t remember what they were for. I use this small roller to crease folded-over edges, like the neckline of my masks, when I can’t be bothered to iron a crease into them.

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